Clock turns 8

As the clock turns 8,

As the minutes hand ends a cycle,

I hear my heart pounding, I feel a banging on my chest, as if someone wants to escape. Trapped inside a chest, it keeps on hitting at the door, hoping to see the light before air runs out.

The person inside cannot take any more of this never ending cycle. The walls that I created, have started to suffocate him. He wants to burst through the walls and feel the fresh air.

With every passing minute, the pounding keeps getting louder and louder. The sounds in my head that torture me whole day start to fade. With nothing to guide them, the demons in my head start to panic. They want the pounding to stop. They want me to remain trapped in the cage forever. They want to keep the torture going, so that they could feed on the pain.

In a desperate attempt, when the sounds are at the peak, exactly at 8 o’clock in the evening, the battle for supremacy takes place.

Battle between the mind and the heart.

Battle between the demons and me.

A battle for survival.

A battle for control over the body.

Unfortunately, demons are the one that survive. Day after day, the same battle, yet demons are the ones who remain in control.

Defeated every single night, the person trapped inside the chest, the person that I am supposed to be, still hopes for something better every morning. He still believes in the impossible. He still dreams of a better tomorrow. And with that belief he charges on to fight again, in this endless cycle at 8 o’clock in the evening.

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